How Data Analytics Can Transform Your Project Management Organization

How Data Analytics Can Transform Your Project Management Organization

The most successful teams for projects rely heavily upon accurate real-time data analytics. Many organizations are still struggling to implement data-driven practices.

One of the main reasons for this is that a wide range of people are responsible for creating project information such as vendors, engineering and automation groups, contractors and operations. These groups are working on projects around the globe, and relying on spreadsheets systems, systems, and documentation methods to exchange and share information. It can be challenging to ensure that the information that reaches the key decision makers is correct and consistent. It is also difficult to access.

While 73% of project managers affirm that high-quality information is essential to their success but only a quarter those teams identify themselves as “data-driven.” Without a centralized source of relevant data, real-time information, many important decisions are made on intuition and experience which can be extremely problematic when it concerns projects.

A great solution is to centralize the creation and management of project information within a PMO team. By doing this, you can create a dashboard that is filterable and displays the most relevant information to everyone in your team. This will allow virtual shield vpn review you to quickly recognize and address issues such as inadequate pipeline capacity or the lack of available resources before they impact the schedule of your project. This will also allow you to prevent any surprises based on bad assumptions or expectations that do not match the information you have.

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